
Your Support Can Make a Difference.

Annual Gifts

Your one-time or annual contributions of any size are welcome. You may donate by printing the donation form and sending your check and completed form to the MEF, or donate using PayPal through PayPal using the dedicated link (MEF will not have access to your PayPal information). 

Planned Gifts

We have been honored to have donations that come from planned giving: bequests, gifts of life insurance, testamentary trusts and life income trusts may also be considered. If you are interested in this option, please let us know by contacting us using the information below. 

Honorary & Memorial Gifts

A special program or project can be initiated in the name of a specific individual. If you are interested in this option, please let us know by contacting us using the information below. 

Community Fund of Des Moines County

In September of 2014, MEF became a partner in the Community Fund of Des Moines County and have two MEF Board members sit on the governing Board. 

By partnering with others in our area, individuals who desire to make a larger, legacy gift will be able to do so with the knowledge that their gift will benefit Mediapolis Community School District students forever. Such giving is especially rewarding, in more ways than one. 

Please consider this Legacy Opportunity. We would be happy to visit with you in person and answer all questions. If you are intersted, please feel free to contact us using the information below. 

MEF Endowment Fund

In 2000, the Mediapolis Education Foundation established an endowment fund to help expand and ensure our ability to meet the MEF goals. A portion of all donations will be placed in the endowment fund in order to provide long term viability to the organization. 

The foundation can help you arrange for financial counseling that will ensure the most productive use of your assets. 

Mediapolis Education Foundation
P.O. Box 45
Mediapolis, IA 52637

Phone: 319.394.3652 (leave a message)


Mediapolis Education Foundation
PO Box 45
Mediapolis, Iowa 52637